Summertime Bliss: Tips for Staying Healthy and Hydrated in the Heat 19/05/2024

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Summer is finally here! It's the perfect time to enjoy some delicious ice cream, chilled drinks, and a vacation near the beach. Just imagine relaxing by the shore, watching the sunset, and sipping on a freshly squeezed pina colada while feeling the summer breeze in your hair. It sounds like paradise!
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Summers in India
3. Tips to Follow for Staying Healthy and Hydrated in the Heat
4. Conclusion: Embrace the Summer Safely and Healthily


Summer is finally here! It's the perfect time to enjoy some delicious ice cream, chilled drinks, and a vacation near the beach. Just imagine relaxing by the shore, watching the sunset, and sipping on a freshly squeezed pina colada while feeling the summer breeze in your hair. It sounds like paradise!

Summer is a season that is filled with many happy memories for most of us, such as visiting grandparents, eating juicy mangoes, and playing with friends and cousins. However, it's not always sunshine and rainbows. Unfortunately, many of us have experienced the negative side of summer too, including heat strokes, dehydration, and infections.

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Summers in India

Summers have become more intense and prolonged, with delayed arrivals of monsoons. It is crucial to take care of our physical and mental health during such conditions. The hot weather can have adverse effects on our physical health. As we tend to sweat more, our bodies can become dehydrated, leading to symptoms like ulcers, headaches, nausea, fatigue, and constipation. Therefore, it is essential to stay hydrated and take necessary precautions to maintain good physical and mental health during summer. These physical symptoms can also take a toll on our mental health as we may feel low on energy and tired.

India is blessed with a diverse range of tropical fruits and vegetables, which are predominantly used in Indian cuisine. The locally grown and seasonal produce helps our bodies adapt to harsh weather conditions. During summers, mangoes are considered a staple food and are used in dishes like mango puree with milk and rice, which is a heavenly match providing all essential nutrients and vitamins. A mango drink made with sugar and spices helps our body fight infections and keeps it cool. Curd and rice paired with curry leaves is a South Indian delicacy that has been around for centuries. This probiotic dish has found its way into almost every part of our country and beyond. Indian food is prepared with a variety of spices and techniques that are gaining popularity even in the West, offering a taste of our local and homely recipes. These recipes have been around for hundreds of years and were developed by our forefathers to make sustainable and healthy food for different weather conditions.

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To beat the summer heat, we don't need to look elsewhere but in our own homes, and our grandmothers' recipes. To fight dehydration, which is the most important adverse effect of Summer, we can start with simple things from our kitchen. It is believed that water stored in earthen pots naturally cools it down, and its continuous contact with mud provides it with some healthy gut bacteria that are important for us during summer. Refrigerated water is easily available, but it can harm our throat, stomach, and skin.

In our households, we often prepare refreshing drinks like buttermilk using various indigenous spices such as mint and cumin. These spices are inherently cold in nature and are believed to help reduce body temperature, making them perfect for summer. Consuming such drinks can help prevent dehydration. It is highly recommended to have 8-10 glasses of water every day to combat sweat loss, maintain electrolyte balance, and boost metabolic activities.

Tips to Follow for Staying Healthy and Hydrated in the Heat

For those of us who live in far-off lands for work or study, there's no need to worry! Even without the comfort of our homes, we can sustain and survive this summer. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Drink plenty of room temperature water, around 8-10 glasses a day, to ensure proper hydration levels and carry out necessary activities.

2. Ensure the consumption of hydrating drinks such as coconut water and chia seeds daily to keep your gut healthy and combat any inherent body heat.

3. It is recommended to urinate every 3 hours to eliminate toxins that can contribute to elevated body heat.

4. It is also advisable to avoid consuming excessive amounts of stimulatory foods like tea, coffee, and juices. It is better to consume fruits in their whole form as they provide optimal nutrition when compared to relying on juices.

5. Wear loose, light-colored, and breathable clothing that allows air to circulate and keep The body cool.

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6. Consuming some sweets can help with glucose levels all day but make sure they are being paired with a cooling agent as sweets generally produce heat.

7. Having a balanced meal that is rich in protein and fiber will help you stay satiated throughout the day without experiencing hunger pangs.

8. Engaging in regular exercise for at least 40 minutes, such as Pilates, yoga, or strength training that focuses more on building strength and less on cardio, can help sustain hydration throughout the day. If you prefer cardio workouts, make sure to sip water every 10 minutes during exercise.

9. Keep curtains, blinds, and windows closed during the day to block out the heat and open them at night to let cool air in.

10. Having meals around sunset can aid in digestion during the summer months and help avoid any episodes of upset stomach as our metabolism and digestion slow down as the night progresses.

11. Avoid going out during the hottest part of the day, which is usually from 11 am to 4 pm.

12. Apply sunscreen with a high SPF before going out in the sun to protect your skin.

13. Take cool showers or baths to lower your body temperature, especially after wrapping up your day to ensure a good night's sleep.

14. Use a fan or air conditioner to keep your home cool and comfortable but make sure to turn it off 10 minutes before you leave to keep your body in a state of homeostasis.

15. Avoid eating foods from roadside vendors and restaurants as we are not aware of their processes, shelf life, and hygiene standards. Bacteria grow far more quickly in summer, increasing cases of dysentery and food poisoning.

Summer can be a challenging season for many of us, but by following these simple tips, we can stay healthy, hydrated, and happy. They can help you combat the perils of summer without breaking the mind or the bank. In summer having a good stable mindset is equally important as the scorching heat, the sweaty long days and the mundane life can get to you, especially for those who work or stay at home. Planning your days and meals well in advance can help reduce the workload and give you extra time to enjoy the season.

In extreme cases of dehydration or in cases of heatstroke where the patient might require medical aid or assistance, new-age healthcare startups like Diagnoeasy can help. They have trained technicians, staff, and expert advisers that can be just what you might need. Their state-of-the-art facilities and services can be rendered and availed at your home without needing to step outside in this hot weather.

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Conclusion: Embrace the Summer Safely and Healthily

In conclusion, summer is a beautiful season with many memories to cherish, but it also brings some adverse effects on our physical and mental health. It is essential to take care of ourselves during summers by staying hydrated, consuming seasonal produce, and following necessary precautions. We can beat the summer heat by relying on our traditional and local recipes and implementing simple tips like staying hydrated and avoiding excessive sun exposure. By taking care of our physical and mental health during summers, we can make the most of this beautiful season and create happy memories that we can cherish forever. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How much water should I drink daily during the summer?
A: Aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses (2-2.5 liters) of water daily. If you're active or spending a lot of time outdoors, you may need more to stay properly hydrated.

Q2: What are some signs of dehydration?
A: Common signs of dehydration include thirst, dry mouth, dark yellow urine, dizziness, fatigue, and less frequent urination. Severe dehydration may cause confusion and fainting, requiring immediate medical attention.

Q3: Are there foods that can help keep me hydrated?
A: Yes, many fruits and vegetables have high water content and can help with hydration. Examples include watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, strawberries, and lettuce.

Q4: Can I drink anything other than water to stay hydrated?
A: Yes, other fluids like herbal teas, coconut water, and diluted fruit juices can also help with hydration. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugary drinks, as they can lead to dehydration.

Q5: What are some tips for staying cool during outdoor activities?
A: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing, a hat, and sunglasses. Apply sunscreen, take frequent breaks in the shade, and carry a water bottle to sip regularly. Try to schedule activities during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening.

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